Personalised 121 Social Audit - 60min Zoom Call

[For those who have booked an Audit package] Book your call for the 121 Personalised Social Audit, to explain your Audit Report Summary, which I will send you in advance. You will discover what's good, what you could improve (& most importantly, I will provide you with strategies, ideas & suggestions for HOW to improve your online presence).

Power Hour with Sarah

Stuck on anything tech-wise with your social media, your funnels or your email marketing? Or perhaps you’re struggling to work out the best strategy to use to reach your audience? Book a Zoom call Power Hour with me & we’ll get you unstuck & moving forward again! It’s perfect if we need to screen share, as I see what’s up & can talk you through how to fix it/how to integrate it/or even where to hit it with a hammer ;-) As an added bonus you even get access to my brain via email/text/messenger etc for a whole 7days after our call, so you can get answers to any questions that may arise for you afterwards. What’s not to like?! I look forward to speaking soon.